Thursday, March 17, 2011

Introducing Fine Art Wedding Photography

Choosing your wedding photographer has become pretty complicated these days. It used to be simple when all you expected were the formal shots. You'd pick a local photographer, who was good a ordering people around, and arranging people according to height, and snap-snap, you'd have your wedding album full of groups of guests. You'll probably still want a few of those formal, group shots, but nowadays wedding photographers have developed, and you'll hear a lot of talk of reportage-style and fine art photography. Reportage is a bit like the pictures taken by the paparazzi. They're unobtrusive shots of the bride and groom enjoying their day, or portraits of people laughing. It's a fun, modern style, that's very much in fashion at the moment. Fine art wedding photography is also growing in popularity. It's a huge trend in the States, and everything big there tends to make it's way to the UK. But what's the difference to reportage? Well with fine art wedding photography every shot is like a painting you'd hang on your wall, where the bride and groom are placed in their environment, or cleverly lit by an errant beam of sunlight. David Charlwood is a UK fine art wedding photographer - take a look at his work below, and you'll see the difference in style.

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