Thursday, May 19, 2011

My English Tea-Party Themed London Wedding

My London wedding was last Thursday! So I'm legally married, but as it wasn't our official wedding, we're keeping it secret. Well as secret as we can! The wedding passed off without a hitch. I had a mild bridezilla moment, when the O and the V of our big silver LOVE helium balloons deflated, and The Boy had to make a last minute run to our local joke shop to beg them for more helium. After that I settled down! We decorated the flat with white bunting and DIY tissue pompoms {tutorial here}, plus DIY arranged flowers from Colombia Road Flower Market. My mum made my bouquet out of lily of the valley from her garden, and the buttonholes were rose buds from my grandmother's garden. It was fantastic! The lovely Chloe from Caught the Light was our photographer - here's a taster - didn't she do an amazing job? More pictures coming soon!

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