Friday, June 10, 2011

Bright Wedding Flowers Inspiration

Flowers are the one thing that completely blew our French wedding budget. We spent a thousand pounds - three times more than I originally planned. But it was worth it - they looked amazing - thanks to our fantastic florist Stephan {in Puyricard}, and creative wedding planner, Kerry Bracken. We discovered there's a lovely tradition in France of giving flowers to the bride and groom at a wedding, and it's one that exists in India as well. If you're looking to send a wedding bouquet, Aryan Florist have a fantastic selection, with everything from roses to orchids. If I had my time again, I'd pick bright freesias and camellias. What flowers are you considering for your wedding?

{Photo Credits} Freesias by Pinecone Camp, Table Display by Rebecca Wood Photography via Style Me Pretty

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