Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DIY Wedding Shoe Glamorisers

Wedding shoes can be a minefield. Traditionally brides wear white, but when will you ever wear a pair of white stilettos again? There's just too many connotations! Instead brides are opting for brights and metallics, often with red sole, which hikes the cost up a good £200 {thank you Mr Louboutin}. If you're not looking to break the bank with your wedding shoe budget {no judgement!}, then try a quick DIY shoe glamoriser with these fabulous shoe clips. They'll fasten on in a jiffy, and turn your simple slides into Carrie-standard beauties. Buy several pairs and coordinate your bridesmaids for a fraction of what you'd shell out for new shoes. Hot foot it over to Chloe and Maddie for all their styles.

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